Tuesday, February 15, 2005

From Harper's.... a little ....uh... humor?

Harper's Magazine has a regular feature called "Readings," which is text culled from anywhere...This month's featured the exerpt below, which almost caused a nasal ejection of partially chewed up food:


From "Query Letters I Love," a website that publishes proposals received by Hollywood studio executives.

It isn't just the monkey that sets Laughing My Sphincter Off apart from the other cancer memoirs, it's also my skewed sense of humor. The one-two punch of the monkey's low-down physical commentary coupled with my friskiness of mind give the reader a unique look inside the soul of a person battling colorectal cancer.

The Singing Law Student commits suicide in his home. He was rejected by the woman he loved, his psychiatrist, and mistreated in the asylum. A parapsychologist moves into the home to encounter his spirt. Researching the link between manic depression and creativity, she brings a guitar with her for him to play. She encounters his spirit, and he sings his songs to her, which she records. She releases the songs, and the Singing Law Student becomes famous. His psychiatrist, the woman who rejected him, and the doctors at the asylum commit suicide upon hearing his voice and his songs throughout society.

An island community of millionaire super-models must overcome their vanity when giant, ravenous teddy bears threaten their quirky lifestyle on Sparkle Island, a place of grotesque wealth where locals use "cosmetic genetics" to eliminate every flaw in their appearance, celebrate Tickle Festivals to relish the euphoria of hysterical laughter, and thrill their pets with the sport of bungee jumping. Paradise is thrown into a blender when fanged bests of plush mysteriously arrive to show down on the gorgeous elite.

BTW, that issue has an article "Out of Iraq," by Adam Davidson, that should be made into a movie- if such a movie were made, it would be the best war movie since M*A*S*H. The story's not typical Harper's fare on Iraq, but rather the story of the author's attempt to make money by renting out a large house and subletting it to journalists working in Baghdad, the bizarre antics of his Iraqi staff, and the growing paranoia as the situation deteriorates.

(ht: technobbable and law )

Update: Query letters is a blog.

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