Monday, February 21, 2005

One last word on "pseudonyms"...

"Joe Carter" writes in this post,

Does anyone else find it ironic that pseudonymous bloggers like “Atrios” and “Mumon” criticize Gannon/Guckert for using a pseudonym?

Actually, Joe, "Mumon" is not a pseudonym. It's my Buddhist name, received after taking the precepts.

I don't actually find it ironic that you'd level a false accusation against me.

But while I'm at it, I am rather well known in my profession- or at least better known than many folks, and the content of this blog is sedulously separate from my professional life.

I do that to maintain a professional ethic. I can explain the concept to you sometime...
Just so you know...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I think my favourite celeb is [url=]Kim Kardashian[/url] What do you all think of her? The girl is very exotic to me.
    Loving by the way, coolest website I've found in ages. Anyone know where I can get more photos of her? So far I just have these two ([url=]Kim Kardashian[/url])
