Wednesday, December 17, 2008

There's so much to dig around in at "Big Mind"

I just bought this book of some of Hakuin's writings. I haven't read much yet, but he does stress the holding required to keep a koan. This holding literally takes years to nurture, but nurture, yes you can, but it takes literally years to do.

For those of us with some experience in this area, then there's reasons why "Big Mind" is leaden with concerns, and most of them have to do with the fact that we know - and we can empirically demonstrate (e.g., via physiological metrics) - that a skill is cultivated.

From the "Big Mind" site:

The Big Mind Big Heart approach to life is a method of self-investigation that is straightforward and effective, and it will open your heart and mind to the fullness and richness of life. It’s a new combination of tools, a blend of Western psychology and the Eastern traditions passed on to us, and it’s been developed for the express purpose of helping us to better understand the mind and the nature of human life.

You won’t need previous experience. Big Mind Big Heart DVD’s, books, workshops and retreats are lively, engaging, thoughtful and profound. Everyone gets to have their say, as we try on intriguing new perspectives, see what they tell us, and share our insights. Genpo Roshi leads the process, like only a Zen Master can, with humor, wisdom, compassion and deep sincerity.

  • An approach to life sounds suspiciously to me like a religion. I don't have anything against that, but lets put the cards on the table.

  • My practice is "straightforward and effective," but then again disciplines tend to make you disciplined.

  • Everyone gets to have their say, as we try on intriguing new perspectives, see what they tell us, and share our insights. When's the last time Merzel had an insight or an "intriguing new perspective"? Why do I get the feeling he's selling Chevy Vegas in a land in which Honda Civics rule?

Like I said, this stuff makes its own gravy...


Is it any surprise that a modern Zen Master would find a way for modern people to use the ancient insights of Zen to improve their lives? Genpo Roshi is a man who has accomplished over 35 years of Zen meditation practice, a man who’s a certified Zen Master. He’s also been a champion athlete, and is a devoted husband and father, a successful businessperson, and the respected author of five books. He is the creator of the Big Mind • BIg Heart approach, and is the Founder and Abbot of Kanzeon Zen Center and Kanzeon Sangha International. His whole adult life has been dedicated to raising consciousness since 1971, when he had his first deep realization and subsequently became the student of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, the founder of the Zen Center of Los Angeles.

  • Is it any surprise that a modern Zen Master would find a way for modern people to use the ancient insights of Zen to improve their lives? Because, like you won't, ...??? Seriously not a resume.

This. Just. In.

Oh my dog he's channeling Robert Tilton.

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