Thursday, July 08, 2010

Why would anyone associate themselves with the Huffington Post?

Unless of course, you're New Age Woo-filled.  But where do they find people like Michael Bernard Beckwith?

There is an inner impulsion within the human being...

I guess an "impulsion" is to be distinguised from an impulse...and "inner" is supposed to differentiate from those impulsions which are outer impulsions within the human being...

For even when we have succeeded in meeting many or most of our outer goals there remains an awareness of an illusive "something," an emptiness that is yet unfilled. 
 Well, yes there is this issue with attachments...

According to both ancient and contemporary spiritual traditions, there is a passageway into an extended awareness of our true nature, that aspect of ourselves that can be accessed when our preoccupations of the conscious mind are quieted. As we enter through this passageway, we lift the veil that hides the inner paradise in which we truly live, move, and have our being.  

Well, it depends on the tradition.  We Zennists would say there's no path, and that our true nature is right here, and its every bit paradise as Wal-Mart.  Or Tahiti.

When we consider current scientific studies of the brain relative to the field of quantum consciousness, the evolutionary possibilities for the individual and our global family are limitless. 

So Mr. Beckwith is another guy trying to sell you something.... and yet again he's one of those guys that thinks if he drops words like "evolutionary" and "quantum" he's sounding both knowledgeable and "enlightened" or something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Beckwith was in The Secret and is a New Thought minister who preaches the "prosperity gospel." By all accounts, this gospel seems to benefit him and his organization quite well. And yes, The HuffPost has a thing for New Wage gurus--almost as much as Oprah.
