Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nobody could have predicted

The "Eat, Pray,  Love" spiritual tradition is scandal ridden.

It's anyone's guess if "EPL's" film release will cause a renewed surge in SYDA's membership. Or if a new wave of popularity will force Shetty to come back into public view. But Gilbert's account of her time in India, her naive view of her guru as a "compassionate, loving" and "enlightened" master, and her faith that Muktananda was a "world-changing" and "self-realized" leader are all a sad chronicle of the human need to find spiritual anchors, and then to believe that these ordinary, and often deeply flawed, men and women are the path to our salvation.

 Yeah some of us keep saying that there are no anchors.  You've got to know, be the anchor yourself. Be the path yourself.  Know what I mean?


  1. An old classmate of mine is pretty deep in SYDA. I'm not too happy with what it's done to her.

  2. Speaking of spiritual crap....SYDA. Its more hollow spiritual feel good words, and SYDA is cult-lite....kind of like the FWBO...did I just say that?
