Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This too, has to be owned by Buddhists...

Sex and monks....sigh...

A Tribune review of sexual abuse cases involving several Theravada Buddhist temples found minimal accountability and lax oversight of monks accused of preying on vulnerable targets.

Because they answer to no outside ecclesiastical authority, the temples respond to allegations as they see fit. And because the monks are viewed as free agents, temples claim to have no way of controlling what they do next. Those found guilty of wrongdoing can pack a bag and move to another temple — much to the dismay of victims, law enforcement and other monks.

"You'd think they'd want to make sure these guys are not out there trying to get into other temples," said Rishi Agrawal, the attorney for a victim of a west suburban monk convicted of battery for sexual contact last fall. "What is the institutional approach here? It seems to be ignorance and inaction."

Paul Numrich, an expert on Theravada temples in the United States, said that like clergy abuse in other religious organizations, sex offenses are especially egregious because monks are supposed to live up to a higher spiritual calling. The monks take a vow of celibacy.

But he cautioned against any sweeping generalizations.

 It is very difficult to do the celibate monk thing.  I think, eventually, the Japanese had the right idea with allowing married Buddhist clergy, simply because it doesn't create the seemingly impossible standards of behavior demanded by a rigid celibacy.

Then again, that doesn't diminish the moral culpability of those who did these reprehensible deeds.

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