Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year's Eve Thought:
May peace and harmony prevail through the new year.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The things I missed....
- Evidently there was a cardinal who was the son of John Foster Dulles. I'm sure connections had nothing to do with his status. He's dead now.
- The Maharishi died. Cautionary tale.
The last bit though leads to some interesting fodder via "Dr." Chopra:
[W]hen I entered the makeshift ICU I saw Maharishi lying unconscious in a bed with IV tubes and a respirator just as I had foreseen. My father informed me darkly that after drinking a glass of orange juice given to him by “a foreign disciple,” Maharishi had suffered severe abdominal pain and inflammation of the pancreas, along with kidney failure followed by a heart attack. Poisoning was suspected. Over the next few days Maharishi’s condition worsened. The pancreas and kidney functions continued to deteriorate, and his heart didn’t improve. My father was of the opinion that Maharishi should be taken to England for a course of kidney dialysis. The Indian TM organization, centered around Maharishi’s nephews, Prakash and Anand Shrivastava, were adamant that no one in the movement should find out that Maharishi was grievously ill. The rationale was that his followers would panic and lose faith.
I found myself torn, because Maharishi had long presented himself as being far from the typical Hindu guru. He did not assert his own divinity. He credited his entire career to his own master, Guru Dev. He seemed indifferent to the cult of personality and the aura of superstition surrounding gurus, which includes the notion that they have perfect control over mind and body and hold the secret of immortality. But deeper than that, Maharishi wasn’t a religious figure. Although he had taken vows as a monk, he brought a technique to the West, Transcendental Meditation, that was entirely secular and even scientific. Indeed, his lasting memory will probably be that he convinced Westerners of the physical and mental benefits of a purely mechanical non-religious approach to consciousness. I was troubled that his falling ill had to be hidden essentially to preserve the image of a superhuman being who couldn’t get sick like mere mortals...
Can a real guru be unfair, jealous, biased, and ultimately manipulative?
For a devotee, the answer is unquestionably yes. The role of a disciple isn’t to question a guru, but the exact opposite: Whatever the guru says, however strange, capricious, or unfair, is taken to be truth. The disciple’s role is to accommodate to the truth, and if it takes struggle and “ego death” to do that, the spiritual fruits of obedience are well worth it. A guru speaks for God and pure consciousness; therefore, his words are a direct communication from Brahman, who knows us better than we know ourselves. In essence the guru is like a superhuman parent who guides our steps until we can walk on our own. Was Maharishi doing that to me?
No, that's nonsense, at least in my tradition. If I don't doubt the teacher to his core (or lack thereof), it's certainly not enlightenment.
Monday, December 29, 2008
We've got so used to the carnage of the Middle East that we don't care any more – providing we don't offend the Israelis. It's not clear how many of the Gaza dead are civilians, but the response of the Bush administration, not to mention the pusillanimous reaction of Gordon Brown, reaffirm for Arabs what they have known for decades: however they struggle against their antagonists, the West will take Israel's side. As usual, the bloodbath was the fault of the Arabs – who, as we all know, only understand force.
Ever since 1948, we've been hearing this balderdash from the Israelis – just as Arab nationalists and then Arab Islamists have been peddling their own lies: that the Zionist "death wagon" will be overthrown, that all Jerusalem will be "liberated". And always Mr Bush Snr or Mr Clinton or Mr Bush Jnr or Mr Blair or Mr Brown have called upon both sides to exercise "restraint" – as if the Palestinians and the Israelis both have F-18s and Merkava tanks and field artillery. Hamas's home-made rockets have killed just 20 Israelis in eight years, but a day-long blitz by Israeli aircraft that kills almost 300 Palestinians is just par for the course.
The blood-splattering has its own routine. Yes, Hamas provoked Israel's anger, just as Israel provoked Hamas's anger, which was provoked by Israel, which was provoked by Hamas, which ... See what I mean? Hamas fires rockets at Israel, Israel bombs Hamas, Hamas fires more rockets and Israel bombs again and ... Got it? And we demand security for Israel – rightly – but overlook this massive and utterly disproportionate slaughter by Israel. It was Madeleine Albright who once said that Israel was "under siege" – as if Palestinian tanks were in the streets of Tel Aviv.
By last night, the exchange rate stood at 296 Palestinians dead for one dead Israeli. Back in 2006, it was 10 Lebanese dead for one Israeli dead. This weekend was the most inflationary exchange rate in a single day since – the 1973 Middle East War? The 1967 Six Day War? The 1956 Suez War? The 1948 Independence/Nakba War? It's obscene, a gruesome game – which Ehud Barak, the Israeli Defence Minister, unconsciously admitted when he spoke this weekend to Fox TV. "Our intention is to totally change the rules of the game," Barak said.
There used to be widespread condemnation of Robert Fisk from the folks such as those at Little Green Footballs and Michelle Malkin and their ilk.
It looks, unfortunately, as though Fisk was right all along, and his critics were ...fill in your own blank here.
The fact that Israel and its enablers do not see their role - their interdependency in this situation is one of the reasons this conflagration continues to receive oxygen.
It is well past time to extinguish.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
It's been a 5 days now since I wrote Mr. Rick Warren
Dear Mr. Warren,
The gays point out, accurately, in my view, that one would not invoke "civility" to have a Nazi give an invocation and then provide "balance" with a rabbi giving a benediction. As a Buddhist and a scientist I, too, am deeply troubled by your selection to give an invocation at the inauguration. I have seen you espouse your views, and even if you are doing charitable work, would not your invocation be giving tacit approval to the morally unsavory aspects of your "ministry" ? And please, please do not blaspheme by claiming somehow it's a deity talking and not you. And make no mistake about it when I say "morally unsavory": in your "news and views" segments a heck of a lot of ego comes through, and very little loving-kindness.
I will not tell you to reconsider your presence at the inauguration, but I will ask you to realize that there are people to whom you cannot impose your limited moral views, just as I cannot impose mine. Above all such morality as received by "revelation" cannot be legislated.
I will note in closing that your church's website, like many "evangelical" websites does not represent Buddhism accurately. If civility requires anything, it requires honesty, even if, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer noted, it does not require candor. Please reconsider how your church represents other religious and non-religious views.
It was never about just the gays; take for example, this "sermon", in which some invited speaker purports to teach Warren's "flock" about "cults and other world religions."
Whenever you see conservative "Evangelical" "apologetics" it basically means "lies about other religions."
The guy on that link goes on and on about "what Hindus believe" and "what Buddhists believe," and most of it is simply false. Including "idol worship."
For the record, this Buddhist is not a "pantheist," because it's a category mistake to attribute deity-ness to anything, as far as I'm concerned. This guy is no more an expert on what Buddhists "believe" than he is an expert in stochastic processes. And people pay him for this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, call me materialist...
but I got an iPod Touch. Some readers may already know this and some may not but:
The amazing point: you can now surf the web, really, and really read & reply to your e-mail (and read Word Attachments) without all the nonsense of booting up a PC (or Mac). You can sometimes read embedded Excel files too, sort of.
Yeah, that's what I wanted it for; not the increased RAM or the video stuff.
The bad part: flash applications don't work except, it seems for Youtube, which works like a charm.
Looking Back...
I can't believe this blog is still going, although it was serious hiatus for several months in 2007.
If you clink on the links at the right, you'll find a whole bunch of dead ones, most of which will have been removed some time in the next month or so, and probably will have new links added (if you have a blog you want listed, let me know).
Which means, inter alia, that this is one of those posts that will refer to things that are not going to be saved, except perhaps via
But it turns out blogging has been useful; it's helped me to "remember" all the weirdness of the past few years; and I think it's truly helped make a small difference in the world.
I can tell that folks have visited my site from literally around this world (in the past month).
So I'd like to thank everyone who's visited and I'll try to improve whatever it is I'm doing here in the future.
The Palestinian groups again launched barrages of rockets and mortars into Israel on Sunday, extending their reach further than ever before, and the Israeli government approved the emergency call up of thousands of army reservists in preparation for a possible ground operation...
A military operation had been forecast and demanded by Israeli officials for weeks, ever since a rocky cease-fire between Israel and Hamas fully collapsed a week ago, leading again to rocket attacks in large numbers against Israel and isolated Israeli operations here.
Still, there was a shocking quality to Saturday’s attacks, which began in broad daylight as police cadets were graduating, women were shopping at the outdoor market, and children were emerging from school.
The center of Gaza City was a scene of chaotic horror, with rubble everywhere, sirens wailing, and women shrieking as dozens of mutilated bodies were laid out on the pavement and in the lobby of Shifa Hospital so that family members could identify them. The dead included civilians, including several construction workers and at least two children in school uniforms...
I've long said that America should just recognize Palestine as an independent country with no strings attached.
If Palestine were Kuwait we'd have invaded Israel and instituted "regime change" long ago.
Israeli officials said that anyone linked to the Hamas security structure or government was fair game because Hamas was a terrorist group that sought Israel’s destruction.
We are all fair game now.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Historically, churches were wary of debt, and many old-line congregations have owned their buildings free and clear for decades. But borrowing by churches became more common in the 1990s, reaching $28 billion nationwide in 2006, including mortgages, construction loans and church bonds, according to Lambert, Edwards & Associates, a consulting business in Grand Rapids, Mich. New companies and nonprofit organizations focused on church lending sprang up, as did real estate investment trusts and other bundles of church loans, which were sold to investors.
The rise of nondenominational churches and a resurgence in the evangelical movement also led to more religious institutions seeking to borrow. Churches were often founded in storefronts or school auditoriums, but as they grew, they built sprawling edifices, including so-called mega-churches. At the same time, some older churches lost members as young people went elsewhere, and had to borrow to survive.
Some in the church lending industry say aggressive lenders pushed church mortgages, too.
“Some of the mentality that you saw taking hold of the residential marketplace probably shifted into the church,” said Dan Mikes, executive vice president of the church banking division of Bank of the West, a subsidiary of BNP Paribas. “Lenders loaned far too much, they loaned into lofty projections of future growth, and they just saddled the churches with far too much debt.”
At least a quarter of religious properties have mortgages, according to an analysis of property and mortgage filings in 115 United States counties completed for The New York Times by First American CoreLogic, a data provider in California.
Geez, maybe someday you'll able to start a temple of your own in some abandoned megachurch.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Buddhist Christmas...

A country where flowers are priced so as to make them a luxury has yet to learn the first principles of civilization. -Ancient Chinese Saying, According to the Internet
I received a Christmas card this year from one of my more religious Christian relatives which included a note to the effect of, "With God all things are possible!"
At around the same time, I'd had to teach my son about "What to Do When Evangelizing Christians Get Too Pushy."
I have a scroll in my zendo that says something to the effect of "The flower does not need to shout it beauty."
How do we embody empathy and compassion and caring to those who are not satisfied with our religious beliefs or lack thereof? What is the origin of this? Well no doubt craving, attachments, wants, ignorance, greed and perhaps a dollop of hatred are probably somewhere in the vicinity.
If we look deeply into such people, they are Yet More Suffering Beings. And they simply have not seen or been what many Buddhists have seen or been. They simply have no first-hand knowledge that what a "person" is is a lot more cloudy than they think.
As I get more and more into practice, I realize that what is "done" on the cushion is quite useless unless practiced in real life, basically all the time, and when it's done the proper way to deal with Such People becomes automatically clear, and one is neither over-acquiescing to them nor is one an obnoxious butt-head.
A religion where miracles are priced so as to make them a luxury to those who don't believe has followers who have yet to learn the first principles of spirituality.
I hope this season finds all readers of this blog, and all other beings unburdened by want, and selflessly giving and receiving. I know, I know, it won't happen, but I hope at least the 2nd derivative's positive...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I have a new theory about Ken Wilber, Genpo Roshi, and the like:
The above mentioned gentlemen do not want to have a future like Robert Aitken's present.
It's probably a good idea to give to Aitken simply get others to avoid considering egregious money making schemes borne out of desperation.
South Park in my lineage?
(HT: Shokai)
隻手 音声 (せきしゅ おんじょう )
Oh, forget I even wrote anything. Do not read this post, it'll corrupt your mind. I just wanted to use this as a placeholder for the kanji anyway as I googled through to see if there were any commentaries on The Sound of the Single Hand...which would corrupt my mind...
Seriously, all the commentaries in the world, Hakuin's included, are not 隻手 音声. However, I should note that Hakuin's commentaries are a most excellent riff on the Lotus Sutra. If you've ever wondered what you could do with Mahayana texts if you mashed 'em up and played with their style, and morphed 'em into Edojidai paradigms with knowledge and a delicate use of Japanese far beyond your mere mortal capabilities, well, Hakuin's the man. (I've only read him in English, but this maddening complexity comes through: both translators I've read have cited difficulties in translating Hakuin.)
There's 2 or 3 commentaries in English on 隻手 音声 as well, and they ain't it either, and that doesn't mean to cast any negative aspersions on the teacher.
And this writing here? It ain't it either.
The only reason people write stuff like that is to tell other people what orange juice tastes like and how to drink it anyway, because some folks want to find out what others say about the taste of orange juice and how to drink it.
And frankly, it might, just might encourage 2 or 3 people to actually drink the stuff for themselves, and then use the knowledge of that taste to help people.
A Buddhist Christmas Tree?
All those tchotchkes they give out in temples, both foreign and domestic make great ornaments anyway. The one above is from Koufuji (興福寺). My wife would worry that it would "offend Christians," but of course a Christmas tree's not exactly a "Christian" symbol anyway, right? I mean the Christian symbol would be, uh...a cross, right? Anyway, there's also Chinese and Taiwanese temples on our tree, so to speak. But I kind of like the fact that the Fujiwaras put up a temple, and we got a Christmas ornament out of the deal, despite the fact that the Shouwa (昭和) emperor's actions in WWII were less than exemplary.
Monday, December 22, 2008
It ain't a fit night out for man or beast...
This is one of those times. I'm reminded of this:
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Cabin fever mashup: Santa and the Foreign Service...
For the morning tea prior to zazen, I consider that if the world actually goes to hell in a handbasket, perhaps I should join the foreign service.
According to the US Foreign Service website, I could do this, family permitting...
And it also appears I was right to tell my son the truth about Santa Claus. Or at least I have no regrets. Some parent of some kid complained to my son's teacher because their kid asked my kid if he believed in Santa Claus, he told the truth, and the parent complained about their "beliefs" being trampled upon. My son's quite an atheist, but we've taught him to show respect to any and all religious believers, no matter how ridiculous, but Santa Claus?
Geez, that's not even a religion! And my son, in a particularly mercenary, pre-Buddhist fashion, gets the meaning of Christmas: people get stuff. Some people actually give stuff. But there's stuff.
Evidently I'm not alone with the Santa thing...
With everyone from teachers and celebrities to parents and psychologists weighing in, the battle lines in this debate are starkly drawn. One camp dismisses the Santa story as a pernicious lie that commercializes Christmas, excludes non-Christians and ruptures the trust between parent and child; the other embraces it as a bit of harmless fun that reflects the imagination and wonder of childhood. On both sides, the strength of feeling can be startling. One blogger writes that lying to your children about Santa is a "form of child abuse."
Nor is the sound and fury confined to the online world. I know a couple in Manhattan -- where else? -- who have hired a therapist to help their children cope with the news that Father Christmas is not real.
Santa is also a hot topic in Britain, where I live. Earlier this month, a school near Manchester fired a substitute teacher for telling a class of 7-year-olds that the jolly old man in red did not exist. A few days ago, I brought up the subject with parents at a party in London. One woman stormed off without saying a word. "Last week, a few of us got into a really horrible argument about how to handle the Santa question," explained her friend. "Obviously she's still very worked up."
Of course there is a very Buddhist way to do this: in the same way Kuan Yin is real, a manifestation of our own compassion, Santa Claus could be a bodhisattva of generosity.
But that Santa wouldn't be the Santa, just like it's kind of cheating to call Jesus Christ a bodhisattva (JC may or may not have existed, and certainly not in any way the 4 canonical gospels portray him). That Jesus isn't a Christian Jesus anyway and it's the cultural equivalent of an anachronism to pretend Jesus Christ is a boddhisattva.
So I'll leave you with a Deep Thought: How come one of Santa's reindeer wasn't named Nixon?
Update: the whole flavor of the article in the post is "What does it matter?" and I don't entirely disagree one way or the other; it's just that it made more sense for two middle aged folks to not put up any pretenses around our young son.
But take a look at this comment by "wpguest1":
I cancelled my paid subscription a long time ago due to its virulently pro-athiest, pro-illegal alien agendas. But these themes were only the most obvious symptoms. The underlying sickness was deeper, and even more subtle.
The opening line of a Style article from a while back epitomizes what the Post has become. Discussing how impoverished Peruvians eat guinea pigs, and showcasing efforts to bring this dish to America, the story asks: "Ever wonder whether a cabernet sauvignon or merlot would better complement your childhood pet?" It's a perfect example of the tastelessness that pervades today's Post.
Maybe some people find this stuff "edgy" or "fun" because of the shock value. Or maybe it's just a subtle attempt to replace traditional American cultural values and standards with ones from a third-world underclass - or better yet, from Josef Stalin's special brand of Communism.
The bottom line: like many of our politicians, the Post has lost (or chosen to throw away) its moral compass - all for the sake of a quick buck, or a short term gamble that controversy = "excitement."
Maybe some readers like these changes. But for every joker who enjoys reading this stuff, there are 5 of us who are disgusted. So - the Post is free to print what it wants, but the rest of us are free to cancel our subscriptions because this rag no longer reflects our values.
Pushing out stories that paint wrong as right, and right as wrong - as the Washington Post empire continues to crumble.
Sounds like that strategy of pandering to athiests, illegal aliens, family pet eaters, and Santa haters is really paying off.
I never realized I was on the side of Stalin by telling my kid Santa was a myth!
Oh no!
I'm on the wrong side!
Friday, December 19, 2008
So some folks are upset with Rick Warren speaking at Obama's inauguration
I think that, at the very least, it's an incredibly tacky time to be asking a vocal and obnoxious opponent of gay rights to stand front-and-center to talk to God...
My first response:
- I'm one of those non-theistic Buddhists, so asking Warren to talk to a being whose existence isn't particularly relevant to the Great Matter doesn't bother me.
My 2nd response:
-If such a Really Contingent Being did exist, what better opportunity than to provide him (Warren) with an opportunity to ask for forgiveness.
My 3rd response:
-Warren's going to avoid the dreck anyway; and his dreck goes far far beyond hating gays and equating zygotes to people. Which is kinda what you expect. But it's that utter permeation of his worldview by dreck that will paradoxically keep him in check: it's bad marketing to exhibit hate on a day like this.
Lastly, Warren represents, for better and worse, a significant number of people in America.
The Mahayana vow gives us the koan: well, how the hell are you going to help these a$&h0!13s?
How do we help Rick Warren? How do we help gays, people out on the streets, the pregnant in medical need of an abortion, and all the real-life bogeymen the religious right rails against? How do we help James Dobson?
These are not simply questions in the abstract, but real responsibilities for both ourselves and Barack Obama.
"How the hell are you going to deal with these jerks?" is a good koan; I find I often am forced to practice it very carefully.
But let's consider an article by Michelle Goldberg that Danny Fisher referenced here:
... First of all, [the selection of Warren for the invocation] reifies the image that Warren has been assiduously constructing for himself as “America’s Pastor,” a post-partisan and benevolent figure with a quasi-official role atop the nation’s civic life. When it comes to his public persona, Warren is something of a magician. He has convinced much of the media and many influential Democrats that he represents a new, more centrist breed of evangelical with a broader agenda than the old religious right. This is, in many ways, deceptive. Yes, Warren has done a lot of work on AIDS in Africa, but he supports the same types of destructive, abstinence-only policies as the Bush administration. One of his protegés, Ugandan pastor Martin Ssempa, has been a major force in moving that country away from its lifesaving safer-sex programs. He’s been known to burn condoms at Makerere University, the prestigious school in Uganda’s capital, and in his Pentecostal services, marked by much sobbing and speaking in tongues, he offers the promise of faith healing to his desperate congregants, a particularly cruel ruse in a country ravaged by HIV.
The truth is that the primary difference between Warren and, say, James Dobson is the former’s penchant for Hawaiian shirts. Warren compares abortion to the Holocaust, gay marriage to pedophilia and incest, and social gospel Christians as “closet Marxists.” He doesn’t believe in evolution. He has won plaudits from some journalists for his honesty in forthrightly admitting that he believes that Jews are going to hell, but even if one sees such candor is a virtue, the underlying conviction hardly qualifies him as an ecumenical peacemaker. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal earlier this year, Warren himself described his differences with Dobson as “mainly a matter of tone,” and was unable to come up with a theological issue on which they disagree.
If Democrats collaborate in positioning Warren as the centrist alternative to the religious right, they consign vast numbers of people, including many of the party’s most dedicated supporters, to the fringe.
America doesn't have a pastor any more than we have a "football team," or a "religion" or any of a myriad of other things that want to privilege itself and marginalize others.
Obama doesn't have the power, and neither do Democrats, to decide who bigots will use for their mouthpiece. We do have the power to decide our context.
Obama's putting a religious wingnut on his stage, but he's appointing scientists.
From Goldberg again:
Now, many are trying to get Obama to drop Warren. The comments on, the Obama transition Web site, are full of heartbreak and disenchantment.
Well, it looks like a dialog is happening. It looks like context is being filled in.
I'm not sweating this one.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Do read Hakuin
He's him, not me, and vice versa, and that's a good thing.
A (rough - overlapping) contemporary of George Washington, Hakuin, despite his hard work at expounding the Dharma probably took quite a few more baths than George Washington did.
Roger Cohen reminds me...
The first time I went down to Rio in 1986, I flew business class. I was working for The Wall Street Journal. When I got back, I handed my expenses to Eric Morgenthaler, then the bureau chief in Miami.
He had a glass office. I watched him, before he called me in and asked why I’d flown business. Overnight flight, I said, interview with a minister the next morning, blah, blah, blah.
“The Wall Street Journal,” Morgenthaler said with a certain class and solemnity, “flies first class.”
This was apparently a truism as evident as, “You need eggs to make an omelet,” or, “Nobody likes wet socks.”
I flew business class in '79, for a job interview with Hughes in LA.
Cohen wants this to sound like it was some extreme extravagance to fly business class for business then, and even more absurd for the WSJ to fly first class, but it wasn't.
It was the standard to which companies upheld and treated their employees.
Sometimes ya gotta say those things.
OK, back to the regularly scheduled Buddhist/American blog:
The whole financial crisis is about the death of responsibility: the buck stopped nowhere. Everyone profited from toxic paper. Bernard Madoff, he of the alleged multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme, is only the latest example.
Irresponsibility has also characterized Detroit. I don’t see how you restore responsibility with a bailout. Obama has a deeper task than changing the economy; he has to change the culture.
Rather than adopting European subsidies, put billions toward more inspiring European examples: a high-speed railroad network or universal health care.
Here's your take-away, which Roger Cohen hasn't seemed to articulate:
- American policy both domestic and foreign was put into place to manufacture and sell petroleum.
- Americans put this policy into place. Americans did not put into place policies that made high speed rail possible, nor livable cities without cars, nor other alternative ways of living that did not rely on petroleum to make living easier.
- The automobile industry, its employees, its unions, its management, its dealers and customers represents a subset of this group of Americans who put this policy into place.
- Americans - all Americans have only themselves to blame and all Americans will have problems if we don't have industry (profitably) serve us rather than the other way around.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
There's so much to dig around in at "Big Mind"
For those of us with some experience in this area, then there's reasons why "Big Mind" is leaden with concerns, and most of them have to do with the fact that we know - and we can empirically demonstrate (e.g., via physiological metrics) - that a skill is cultivated.
From the "Big Mind" site:
The Big Mind Big Heart approach to life is a method of self-investigation that is straightforward and effective, and it will open your heart and mind to the fullness and richness of life. It’s a new combination of tools, a blend of Western psychology and the Eastern traditions passed on to us, and it’s been developed for the express purpose of helping us to better understand the mind and the nature of human life.
You won’t need previous experience. Big Mind Big Heart DVD’s, books, workshops and retreats are lively, engaging, thoughtful and profound. Everyone gets to have their say, as we try on intriguing new perspectives, see what they tell us, and share our insights. Genpo Roshi leads the process, like only a Zen Master can, with humor, wisdom, compassion and deep sincerity.
- An approach to life sounds suspiciously to me like a religion. I don't have anything against that, but lets put the cards on the table.
- My practice is "straightforward and effective," but then again disciplines tend to make you disciplined.
- Everyone gets to have their say, as we try on intriguing new perspectives, see what they tell us, and share our insights. When's the last time Merzel had an insight or an "intriguing new perspective"? Why do I get the feeling he's selling Chevy Vegas in a land in which Honda Civics rule?
Like I said, this stuff makes its own gravy...
Is it any surprise that a modern Zen Master would find a way for modern people to use the ancient insights of Zen to improve their lives? Genpo Roshi is a man who has accomplished over 35 years of Zen meditation practice, a man who’s a certified Zen Master. He’s also been a champion athlete, and is a devoted husband and father, a successful businessperson, and the respected author of five books. He is the creator of the Big Mind • BIg Heart approach, and is the Founder and Abbot of Kanzeon Zen Center and Kanzeon Sangha International. His whole adult life has been dedicated to raising consciousness since 1971, when he had his first deep realization and subsequently became the student of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, the founder of the Zen Center of Los Angeles.
- Is it any surprise that a modern Zen Master would find a way for modern people to use the ancient insights of Zen to improve their lives? Because, like you won't, ...??? Seriously not a resume.
This. Just. In.
Oh my dog he's channeling Robert Tilton.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Not for nothing but...
It wasn't even done neatly, it seems.
Raises questions.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Why would this be the case? Is this a *good* thing?
[S]ince September, pastors nationwide say they have seen such a burst of new interest that they find themselves contending with powerful conflicting emotions — deep empathy and quiet excitement — as they re-encounter an old piece of religious lore:
Bad times are good for evangelical churches...
Part of the evangelicals’ new excitement is rooted in a communal belief that the big Christian revivals of the 19th century, known as the second and third Great Awakenings, were touched off by economic panics. Historians of religion do not buy it, but the notion “has always lived in the lore of evangelism,” said Tony Carnes, a sociologist who studies religion.
A study last year may lend some credence to the legend. In “Praying for Recession: The Business Cycle and Protestant Religiosity in the United States,” David Beckworth, an assistant professor of economics at Texas State University, looked at long-established trend lines showing the growth of evangelical congregations and the decline of mainline churches and found a more telling detail: During each recession cycle between 1968 and 2004, the rate of growth in evangelical churches jumped by 50 percent. By comparison, mainline Protestant churches continued their decline during recessions, though a bit more slowly.
The little-noticed study began receiving attention from some preachers in September, when the stock market began its free fall. With the swelling attendance they were seeing, and a sense that worldwide calamities come along only once in an evangelist’s lifetime, the study has encouraged some to think big.
My gut feeling is that many people want to be told what to do, what to think.
A manifestation of aversion, perhaps.
Perhaps anhedonia made flesh.
People quoted in the article give one explanation that they have a more "personal" experience in those Churches compared to Catholic and "mainline" Protestant Churches (there's a nice school of thought that says that evangelical churches aren't Protestant, but this is probably too much detail for this blog post). A Catholic clergyman says their congregations "get more stuff easier" in evangelical churches. An economist who recently made the link between evangelical churches and bad times noted that it's because evangelicals are lower class, compared, I guess, to other religious groups. OK, the article didn't exactly put it that way, saying instead, "evangelicals as a whole still tend to be less affluent than members of mainline churches, and therefore depend on their church communities more during tough times, for material as well as spiritual support."
Why are they fighting over bodies? Why are we supporting the down and out based on a religious identification? Wouldn't those without a "faith community" be suffering just as much, if not more?
My wife often talks about going to a church on Christmas, to get my son to see what the Christians do.
I have no problem with it, though as long as it'd be on the agenda, I'd want to take them to the best of what Christianity has to offer. On the other hand, of course, I'm a Buddhist.
But for the life of me, I cannot see the point, I cannot stomach, it borders on ghoulish this concept of salivating in response to the misfortune of others so that your pews will become full.
I might just do this Christian church thing for my son this Christmas, but ideally it would be a majorly non-evangelical church. A liberal orthodox church would perhaps be the best trade-off of ceremonial practice and sensibility, but that church likely doesn't exist, unless you count Episcopal churches as orthodox (but then there's the cake or death thing). And it would be the Christian opposite of an evangelical church.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
"It’s the spartan living style and firm scheduling ..."
Zen Mountain [Monastery] is just one example of an ashram or monastery in upstate New York that promises to recharge the mind and spirit of its guests with a combination of simplicity and meditation, served up on a tight schedule. At least half a dozen of these spiritual retreats are tucked away among the Catskill Mountains.
Most have been around for several decades, but until recently their visitors were mainly practicing Buddhists, serious yoga students or devotees of an ashram’s guru. Today, these spots are attracting clientele from the surrounding metropolitan areas who’ve had limited interaction with Eastern religions, yoga or a spiritual guru. Like Mr. Malkmus, who spent several months before his trip clocking 60-hour workweeks, more nonbelievers are coming to experience the rigors of an ashram or monastery as a way to escape...
It’s the spartan living style and firm scheduling at these retreats that make them increasingly popular as an alternative vacation option. Harried urbanites can spend whole days without making a decision or facing a crisis, without trying to find a cab in the rain or worrying about a client. The activities are predetermined and tightly scheduled: meditation, chanting religious verses, doing chores around the property and silent self-contemplation.
The retreats’ accessibility to several metropolitan areas and their affordability also enhance their appeal at a time when the economy is weak.
Seriously, a vacation option at a time when the economy is weak?
It's about your friggin' life, dammit.
Ah, but perhaps I'm being bit too harsh...
It’s generally stress — whether personal or job related — that drives guests to choose one of these spiritual getaways, according to surveyed clientele and the staff at ashrams and monasteries.
Well, the first Noble Truth does have to do with suffering...
And besides...
...Jokei Kyodo, a resident at Dai Bosatsu, said the monastery is not a resort for guests looking to put their feet up. “I had a lady who called me recently and said she had a few extra vacation days she needed to use up,” she said. “We want people to come here and make a commitment to our Zen practice, which isn’t exactly comfortable.”
I have stayed at both ZMM and Dai Bosatsu; they're good places for an introduction to Zen and for practice back in NY.
But here, in Vancouver WA, I have recently completed what I like to thinnk of as "Rohatsu in place," from Sunday to Friday.
No, I didn't sit with Jundo, though I get that.
What I did was increase the amount of sitting to 5 periods per day, and work. And do family obligations. Mindfully, as much as possible. Maybe this is nothing for some folks; but for me, who generally only sits 1/2 hour per day due to time & family constraints except when my teacher's in town, it's a big difference.
And it made a big difference.
It had always slightly bothered me that I didn't do such a thing, and hadn't had an opportunity to do a real retreat in years. In addition, I had done retreats, and it had always intrigued and nagged at me that I couldn't duplicate the seemingly Herculean feats at sitting by myself.
Who the hell was I kidding?
I thoroughly, unreservedly recommend such a practice in the future - maybe Jundo's thing works in the same way, because it's virtual, sitting yourself, you come smack dab face to face rubber meets the road with that egotistical whining, petty monkey-mind ox.
Makes you more tolerant of the folks who might follow some folks whose practice smells like bad fish.
On the whole, very good for you, I'd recommend this as a really cost-effective "get-away," except for the fact that it's the opposite of a get-away.
It's about your friggin' life, dammit.