Friday, August 27, 2004

A couple of notable quotes

Peace does not consist in one man, one party, one nation, crushing and dominating everyone else. Peace exists where men who have the power to be enemies are, instead, friends by reason of the sacrifices that they have made in order to meet one another on a higher level, where the differences between them are no longer a source of conflict.

- Thomas Merton

Even on a blog like this (to shamelessly paraphrase one of Merton's essays) such things need to be written.

Here's another:

The root of all war is fear.

Without hindrance in the mind, there is no fear.

That is how war is overcome.

This is something our friends on the extreme right do not fathom, I think. They rely on fear, usually fear of the Other. By going beyond fear, we can go beyond war, and we can prevail, actually.

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