Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Looks like George is in for a couple of wedgies...

The right has the gay marriage thing in Oregon, but here's a couple of doozies that are going to blindside Bush:

Republican and "conservative Christian" patron Sung Myung Moon has been trading with the enemy.

Will we see a preemptive action against him by the Republican regime in Washington? Or at least a "Sister Souljah" moment?

Nah, that's only done by Democrats, and expected of them.

Which means: wedgie! Anybody who does favors for the likes of these guys (let alone the Pakistani ISI and Saudi Arabia) isn't really interested in the defense of the United States.

There goes the rest of the military vote.

Speaking of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (as well as the Sudan, Eritrea...) why do they continue to turn a blind eye towards the persecutions of Christians, Buddhists, animists and others?

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